Hello there, stranger 😄👋. Make yourself at home.
In this website, I post some personal projects and articles on subjects that I find interesting. I also list my contributions to free/libre/open source software.
About me
I'm a software engineer, currently working in Morgan Stanley. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Technology from PSG College of Technology
As you can see in this personal page, I really enjoy doing side-projects that not exactly aim to be useful, but different, challenging and, above all, fun.
Some things that I like (and you can see it by reading my posts here):
- 👨💻 Programming, in general
- 💰 Finance/Economics
- ⚡ Electronics, even though I have never formally studied it
- 🎬 Movies, no matter the year they were made
- 📚 Learning how stuff works, sometimes opening their hood